RWX119 Console with 16 Port DB-15 KVM. 1 Users: 1 Local, 1 Extended Console.
The Raloy RWX119-KVM11016 is a state-of-the-art modular rack console integrated with a Raloy KVM switch in only 1 rackmount unit. The RWX119 console features a 19" HD LCD screen (1440x900), a 104 key keyboard (available in 13 languages), and Glidepoint touchpad.
The integrated Raloy KVM11016 is a 16 port DB-15 KVM switch with 1 local user at the console drawer and access at an extended console. VGA-USB & VGA-PS2 server interfaces supported with DB-15 4-in-1 KVM cables (included).
RWX119 w/ Integrated KVM | Concurrent Users | Local | Extended | Ports |
RWX119-KVM11016 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 16 |